Fifth Fundamental-Liberation
C 9 al
H Pele: Saue, mezi 21901 male, du laelu gandi, Hiè dla nne
Jem Shubhashubh Karmapad, ämpä Satal Prammām:
Tem Nivnitti Safalata Mate Moksha Sukan.
As you made out the fruitfulness of wholesome and unwholesome Karma, so is their cessation fruitful; O seeker, there is therefore liberation. (89)
Explanation & Discussion: It is admitted that the activities of worldly souls are mostly wholesome or unwholesome. They are usually undertaken with a sense of attachment or resentment. That sense invariably bears fruits. If the activity is wholesome, it provides fruits in the form of good consequences; if it is unwholesome, it provides fruits in the form of bad consequences. There is, however, a third approach, which can be termed as pure. If one withdraws from the sense of attachment as well as resentment, his activity remains pure and thereby he does not acquire new Karma.
The term Nivrutti in this stanza is in the sense of such withdrawal (Detachment) Nivrutti; it does not mean inactivity as some people might think. As long as one is alive, he is going to be involved in some mental, verbal or physical activity. It is therefore not possible to remain totally inactive. One can, however, remain detached while undertaking any activity. Such activity amounts to Nivrutti.
The worldly soul thus needs to cultivate a sense of detachment so as to avert the bondage of Karma. One may ask, “When every activity is supposed to be fruitful, how can retreating from attachment (or resentment) remain without