After realizing that the soul acquires the bondage of Karma due to its own indulgence, the pupil comes to the next aspect of bearing the consequences. Here he comes across the problem of the agency or the mechanism that can extend the consequences of Karma. The soul is no doubt the Kartä, but who is going to judge its activities and hand down the appropriate consequences? There does not appear to be any agency that would function as the dispenser of justice. His problems in this respect are presented in the following three stanzas.
C C C VIỆU LÀ CUU CUC20 3 Rİ 24 YS SHS, sa ukea ala?
Jiy Karma Karta Kaho Pan Bhokta Nahi Som Shun Samaje Jad Karma Ke, Fal Parinami Hoy?
The soul may be Kartä of Karma, but need not bear the consequences; how can lifeless Karma be intelligent enough to extend the consequences? (79)
Explanation & Discussion: The pupil admits that the soul acquires Karma on account of its craving and aversion, but he fails to make out how it can bear the consequences. There are two problems in admitting that the soul has to bear them, viz. i) who is going to decide the right consequences and ii) who would hand down the same to the soul? Had there been some live agency involved therein, it can take such decisions and extend the right consequences. In this case there is soul on one hand, which acquires the bondage. Being the subject of that activity, it cannot, on its own, decide to bear the consequences. On the other hand there is lifeless Karma, which is not capable to know. It does not even know that a particular soul has acquired certain bondage.