adal n ly 1041, saizny Zac ad aile lay oui, sai so-yala.
Chetan Jo Nij Bhänman, Karta Áp Swabhav; Varte Nahi Nij Bhanman, Karta Kama-Prabhav
If the soul remains conscious of its true self, it acts in tune with its nature; if it does not remain conscious, it becomes Kartä of Karma (due to its involvement). (78)
Explanation & Discussion: The Guru had earlier pointed out that the soul acquires Karma by virtue of its inducing the particles of Karma to infiltrate within. But that happens only when the soul is extrovert. The situation starts changing when it turns introvert. Then it realizes that craving and aversion are not the parts of its true nature. It therefore strives to avoid the same by staying within its true nature. That consists of right perception, right knowledge,and right conduct. As that happens to an ever increasing extent, the inherent purity of soul starts manifesting and it remains absorbed therein. That is the soul's true nature and staying within that nature forever constitutes liberation.
The question may arise, 'How staying within itself could be the activity in the liberated state? The liberated soul is supposed to be inactive. How can any activity be attributed in that state?' In this respect the explanation given under this stanza in Vachanamrut (#718) mentions as under.
“The pure soul is not Kartä of any external, extrovert or defiling activity and can therefore be termed as inactive. But if it is said that it does not have the activity of its