Shrimad Räjchandra, the author of Ätmasiddhi Shästra, was a spiritual philosopher of very high caliber. He was born in November 1867 in the village of Vavänia near Morbi in Gujarat State and passed away in April 1901 at the young age of 33. He had a very high level of Kshayopasham, which means that he had very low level of Karmas to be reckoned with. He was self-realized and had gained the knowledge of his previous lives at the tender age of seven.
He had very sharp memory and he could recollect whatever he read or otherwise came across. He became known for his mnemonic capability during his teens. That capacity continued to grow, and at the age of 19 he displayed the extraordinary feat of remaining attentive to 100 activities simultaneously. That marvelous capability was demonstrated in a meeting at Bombay organized under the chairmanship of the then British Chief Justice of Bombay. Thereby he came to be known as Shatävadhäni. Even the British rulers of that time were impressed by his performance and offered to make necessary arrangements for him, if he was willing to go to Europe for displaying his talent. He, however, declined that offer, because he felt that he would not be able to live in Europe according to his religious standards. He also realized that the worldly accomplishments of performing mnemonic feat or of astrology were not helpful in spiritual pursuit and therefore he gave them up soon after the above performance.
Shrimad gained right perception at the age of 23 and since then he mostly remained tuned to the spiritual elevation while being occupied in jewellery business. His moral