Third Fundamental-Soul as Kartä
|ી હnી, શ્રીલીની સ્થિી, ગણિી શી | [ (મી થી 1 ની સાઈઝ મીહીસ્થીતી )
Hay Na Chetan Prerana- Kon Grahe To Karma? Jad Swabhav Nahi Prerana, Juo Vichari Dhara.
If there is no inspiration from consciousness, how and who would acquire Karma? Examine the natural property; the lifeless matter has no capability to inspire. (74)
Explanation & Discussion: Since the pupil had suggested that soul cannot be Kartä of Karma, the Guru asks him to figure out what induces Karma particles to be attached to a soul. Like other Pudgal particles, Karma particles also prevail everywhere in the universe and make movements on their own accord. Left to themselves, they would simply pass by without creating any impact on soul. When, however, they pass by, the worldly soul happens to react to the same with the sense of craving or aversion by virtue of his likes or dislikes.
Such craving or aversion is not the inherent part of soul's property, but it has the capability to indulge that way. While indulging as such, it happens to react to the Karma particles, which move within its proximity. That motivates those particles to infiltrate the provinces of soul. This is similar to a person smeared with oil remaining prone to attract the dirt. As the dirt stays on the body until he cleans it, so do Karma particles stay with the soul until maturity. That is called the bondage which extends the appropriate consequences at the time of maturity. At that time if the soul neither resents nor gets attached to any situation and bears the consequences with equanimity,