ones take their place. Every existing form thus gives place to a new one and no form stays forever. Some of the transformations, such as withering of flowers, are evident; while others, such as aging, come to our notice after a long time. But the process is continuing every moment. Jainism conceives of Samay as the smallest unit of time, which is the infinitesimal part of a second. It is therefore said that every form gives place to a new one in each Samay.
Such transformation occurs in the case of objects, which are formed by composition or combination. It does not occur in the case of natural substances, which are not subject to composition or combination. Such substances cannot be produced, nor can they be destroyed. They can neither arise out of any combination, nor would they merge in anything else. The soul is such an original substance. It does not undergo any transformation and stays the same forever.
In this connection it would be of interest to refer to what Shrimad has said in the Letter of Six Fundamentals (Appendix-II). It states: “A pot, or cloth stays as such for a while, but the soul stays forever. Pot, cloth, etc. are composed of some materials; but the soul is a substance on its own, because no composition can be envisaged for producing the soul. Consciousness cannot arise out of any composition, so it is not a product. Since it cannot be composed, it has to be imperishable, because what cannot be produced by any composition cannot be decomposed, nor can it merge in anything else.”
ક્રોધાદિ તરતમ્યતા, સર્પાદિકની માંય; પૂર્વજન્મ સંસ્કાર તે, જીવ નિત્યતા ત્યાંય.
Krodhädi Tartamyatä, Sarpädikani Mänya; Poorva Janma Sanskär Te, Jiv Nityatä Tyänya