and extinction and yet it does not last is analogous to someone saying that he has no tongue. Just think over the justification of that statement.”
જેના અનુભવ વશ્ય એ, ઉત્પન્ન લયનું જ્ઞાન; તે તેથી જુદા વિના, થાય ન કેમે ભાન.
Jenä Anubhav Vashya E, Utpanna Layanun Jnän;
Te Tethi Judä Vinä, Thäy Na Keme Bhän.
The knowledge of such emergence and extinction can in no way arise, unless the agency experiencing that knowledge is different from the object. (63)
Explanation & Discussion: After explaining that the body cannot know the emergence and extinction of soul, the Guru asks the pupil to consider who can know it. It can be stated as a matter of principle that the agency, which knows the emergence and extinction of an object, must be different from the object. It is therefore clear that only a substance, other than the soul, can experience the emergence and extinction of soul.
This concept may seem a little abstract. Let us therefore explain it with an illustration. Suppose the birth or death of a person is to be known. In that case, is it possible for that person to know his own birth or death? Obviously not; only some one else can know that the person has come into being or that he has passed away.
If soul emerges with the body and disappears with its death, as it has been argued, the question would be: 'Who knows about such emergence and extinction? It was explained above that the inanimate body is not capable of knowing