Since I started reciting Ätmasiddhi Shästra during the eighties, I wanted to bring out its English version and prepared its translation. It was, however, noticed that the real significance of the original text could not be brought out within the bare translation. Detailed explanatory notes were necessary. So I started to prepare them. But the more I recited the text, the more I noticed that the notes were far from satisfactory. Therefore, I decided to wait, until I could gain a better comprehension of the text.
The Institute of Jainology (London) wrote me a letter in 1998 suggesting that if I prepare the translation with explanatory notes, it will publish the same on the occasion of the first centenary of Shrimad's passing away. That prompted me to start writing. The work was accordingly completed by the end of 1999. But the Institute later on decided not to publish the same. However, it gets the credit of prompting me to write, since I would not have perhaps embarked upon the project in absence of their suggestion.
Meanwhile I was keeping in touch with Shrimad Räjchandra Ädhyatmik Sadhnä Kendra, Kobä in order to get a 'Forward' from the revered Atmänandji. He responded favorably and agreed to write the Forward, which appears in this book. Encouraged by his response, I tried to figure out whether his Organization would like to publish my work. I am happy that they agreed and the book sees the light of the day.
In writing these notes, I have tried to bring out what is implicit in the great work, particularly taking care that the