there is also an Adhyös relating to the senses. It is called Indriyadhyäs. The worldly soul is used to know through the senses and as such, it remains attached to the objects of the senses. Under the impact of that attachment the soul conceives of happiness as lying in the sense objects and tries to seek the same from the external sources. Such attachment being too strong, the worldly soul remains involved with the sense objects and the circumstances associated with them. That extrovert state of soul is termed as Bahirätmä. By virtue of that involvement, the soul does not find time to look inward to its own nature. That condition will change, when it comes in contact with a true Guru. Then it gets awakened from the slumbering state of ignorance and turns inward. Such an introvert state of soul is termed as Antarätmä.
જે દ્રષ્ટા છે દષ્ટિનો, જે જાણે છે રૂપ; અબાધ્ય અનુભવ જે રહે, તે છે જીવસ્વરૂપ.
Je Drashta Chhe Drashtino, Je Jäne Chhe Roop; Abädhya Anubhav Je Rahe, Te Chhe Jiv Swaroop.
That, which is the seer of eyesight, which recognizes the form, and which retains the unobstructed experience, constitutes the essence of soul. (51)
Explanation & Discussion: The pupil had asked, “Why is the soul not visible to the eye?' The eye is the most vital sense organ. Other organs are also important; but losing any of them does not handicap a person to the extent he would feel handicapped by the loss of eyesight. If one loses, for instance, taste of the tongue or if the tongue somehow ceases to function, he would feel less uncomfortable than one who loses the eyesight.