asked that student to first show his intellect and thereafter he would show the soul. The student was exasperated by that argument and said that intelligence being intangible it cannot be physically brought forth. The learned man then replied that the same logic applies to soul. The students had thus to admit of the intangible soul.
માટે છે નહિ આતમાં, મિથ્યા મોક્ષ ઉપાય; એ અંતર શંકા તણો, સમજાવો સદુપાય.
118 CII
Mäte Chhe Nahin Atamä, Mithyä Moksha Upäy;
E Antar Shankä Tano, Samajävo Sadupäy.
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There is thus no soul and therefore the means of liberation are futile; kindly show me the right way to remove this internal doubt of mine. (48)
Explanation & Discussion: The pupil now concludes his arguments. He says, “I feel that there cannot be anything like a soul as separate from the body, brain, etc. If it is not there, where is the question of its bondage or liberation?” It is said: “Mulo Nästi, Kuto Shäkhä” (If there is no root, how can there be branches)? As such, there would hardly be any reason for pursuing the path of liberation.
The pupil does not actually believe in what he is arguing out. He has resorted to it only for eliciting the clarification. He has faith in the Guru. He understands that if the Guru talks of soul, it must exist. Therefore he surrenders to him and says, “This is the doubt that has been plaguing my mind. Please give me satisfactory reply about the existence of soul so as to enable me to proceed on the path of liberation.”