I wish to thank everyone who contributed and supported me in my research work,
and also during the graduate studies at the Florida International University. My deep bow
of gratitude begins with Dr. Christine Gudorf, whose continuous guidance and critical,
constructive feedback has not only enhanced my thesis but also developed my analytical
and writing skills. I am duly thankful to Dr. Albert Wuaku and Dr. Whitney Bauman for
their inputs in improving the quality of my work. I reserve special place for my major
professor and advisor, Dr. Nathan Katz, for his enthusiastic encouragement and
continuous advice. I express my heart-felt gratitude to him for his compassion and
unwavering confidence in me while I pursued my graduate studies here.
I have also received valuable assistance in a variety of ways, from all the
professors at the Religious Studies Department, especially Dr. Oren Stier, Dr. Erik
Larson, Prof. Daniel Alvarez and Prof. Steven Vose. Their motivation kept me on track to
complete the work on time. I am grateful to Ms. Luz Aviles, the departmental secretary,
for her consistent reminders and support in facilitating all the paper work.
I would like to express my profound gratitude to Samani Chaitanya Pragya and
Samani Unnata Pragya for guiding and encouraging me throughout my graduate study
here. I am grateful to the entire Jain community in Miami, for extending their generosity
and warmth towards me as an international student from India.
I wish to express gratitude to Dr. Glenn D. Paige, Prof. Christopher Chapple and
Prof. Tara Sethia for showing interest and providing valuable suggestions towards my
study. I am also grateful to Mr. Narendra Jain, who graciously welcomed me in his home
during my fieldwork in Los Angeles.