Hindi Type in English Type in Hindi Pathshala
पाठशाला Paap Punya
पुण्य Puja
पूजा Pujari Sadachari
सदाचारी Sarvagya
सर्वज्ञ Shastra
शास्त्र Teerth
तीर्थ Teerthankar तीर्थकर Updesh
उपदेश Veetraagi
School/Class where children study Religion Sinful thoughts that bring worldly discomfort (known as Bad Karma) Righteous thoughts that bring worldly pleasures (known as Good Karma) Prayer/Service offered to deity / god Temple Priest responsible for performing temple rituals Righteousness Who knows everything Knowledge of religion based on principles that are timeless Religious Place of Historical Importance Arihant's who enlighten the path of happiness for everyone Lecture / Direction Who is free of all attachment, expectations and judgment