A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
Chapter X
Getting answers from Jinvani in Pathshala
---All students meet back with their Pathshala teacher and ask questions before heading back home. Teacher: Welcome back kids, I see
that you've covered all the stalls.. Congratulations. Tell me something, who are these other kids with you? I don't believe I recognize them... they are
not from our class. Neel: Ma'm... They've become our friends from various stalls we
visited; they've been coming to this fair for many years and didn't get their answers... some of them even switched their "Purpose of Life" upon hearing our conversations.... so we
invited them, to come with us to Pathshala. Teacher: Very nice......... So tell me... one by one... what did you
learn today? Student #1: We learned that our ultimate goal is "Happiness"... that's the
goal of every living being. Teacher: Well, if everyone wants happiness, then why don't
they already have it? Any thoughts on that? Student #2: We learned that if we don't know where to look for
happiness, it can be "perceived" to exist in many things. some look for happiness in money, some in their jobs, some in their role in society or family. some believe it comes if you acquire lots of things, some believe it comes if you give away lots of things. Some believe it's not in things, but in actions you perform, in deeds you perform.