A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
Chapter VIII
5th Stall "Atheists" (YOU control EVERYTHING - Not God)
---A group of 4 students arrived at this stall. These stalls were run by the most successful people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Founder of Facebook, Founder of Google and kind... all of whom don't believe in God Stall5 Hosti: Hello kids. We believe there is No God, No Creator,
because it can't be proven. We are all here and that's the truth. What you do with your life is entirely in your hands. No point worshiping, because it doesn't look like good people get all good things and bad people are the only ones that go through bad things. This proves that there is no god that's judging your
actions and rewarding each one accordingly. Stall5 Host2: We feel you have the power to make things happen
and we don't believe destiny is pre-determined. We can all write our own destiny. If we try hard enough, we can get what we aim for......... If you sign-up today, we'll help you write your destiny and provide books on people who created their own destinies and
others who did not take control of their destiny. Student #1,2,3,: My dad believes in these things by heart, he'll be very
happy I decided this route. All my uncles also created their own destinies. I can't go wrong with something they've all chosen. Please sign me up.