A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
Chapter III
Field Trip to the Fair
--- It was a very large fair, there were stalls all-around. It seemed everybody had a stall there, religions of the world, atheists, scientists, teachers, community leaders, social workers and even parents had their own stalls. You could even find stalls run by school friends, neighbors and relatives. Companies & government's also had stalls there.
--- Everyone was marketing their own life's purpose and attracting as many people as possible, to sign-up for their entire lives. People that signed up were expected to dedicate their "entire lives" following that philosophy to achieve happiness.
- This was not a career fair.... They were not advertizing professions you can choose for a career..... This fair was different..... In this fair, each stall attempted to provide you with a purpose of life, that's bigger than yourself. The idea was that, you could carry on your lives doing what you needed to do (going to school, making livelihood, carrying out your duties) and also have a purpose of your life.
Wow... this is the biggest fair we've ever seen. How
are we going to cover all these stalls? --- Kids could not wait to get started and everyone wanted to start exploring in different directions...
Student - Raj:
Student - Neel:
We might get lost in the crowd......... why don't we stick together as a group? I like that idea... that way we can collectively get answers to our questions and individually decide, each one for themselves, if you would like to sign-up or keep looking
--- Everyone agreed...