empirical point of view, it is not proper to speak of space and the rest as the supporter and the supported. But this is not improper. The idea of the supporter and the supported applies even to things which come into existence at the same time. For instance, we speak of colour etc. in the pitcher and hands etc. in the body. Now what is the universe? That is called the universe, wherein the substances such as the media of motion and rest are seen to exist. Space is divided into two parts, the universespace and the non-universe-space. The universe has been described. Space in the universe is the universe-space. And beyond it is the infinite non-universe-space. The distinction between the universe and the non-universe is based on the presence of the media of motion and rest. If the medium of motion does not exist in the universe-space, there can be no certain cause of movement. And there can be no distinction of universe and non-universe. If the medium of rest does not exist, there can be no cause assisting rest. Things will not be stationary, or there will be no distinction of universe and nonuniverse. Therefore, owing to the existence of both the media of motion and rest, the distinction of universe and nonuniverse is established.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 137-138.
Ācārya Umasvami's Tattvārthasūtra
आकाशस्यावगाहः ॥
(The function) of space (is to provide accommodation.
Ācārya Pujyapada’s Sarvārthasiddhi 'Assistance' (upakāra) is supplied from the previous sutra. The assistance rendered by space is to give room to other substances such as souls and matter. Now, it is proper to say that