Verse 11
पुढविजलतेउवाऊवणप्फदी विविहथावरेइंदी । विगतिगचदुपंचक्खा तसजीवा होंति संखादी ॥
गाथा भावार्थ - पृथ्वीकायिक, जलकायिक, अग्निकायिक, वायुकायिक और वनस्पतिकायिक इन भेदों से नाना प्रकार के स्थावर जीव हैं और ये सब एक स्पर्शन इन्द्रिय के ही धारक हैं, तथा शंख आदि दो, तीन, चार और पाँच इन्द्रियों के धारक त्रस जीव होते हैं।
11. Souls having earth, water, fire, air, and plants for their bodies are various kinds of immobile beings, sthāvara jivas, that possess one sense only. The mobile beings, trasa jīvas, like conch etc., progressively possess two, three, four, and five senses.
Ācārya Umasvami’s Tattvārthasūtra __ पृथिव्यप्तेजोवायुवनस्पतयः स्थावराः ॥
(2-13) Earth, water, fire, air and plants are immobile beings. Ācārya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi There are earth bodies and so on, being the different divisions of immobile name karmas. The naming of souls (beings) as earth etc. is based on the fruition of these name karmas. Though the name prthivī is derived from the root prathana, it is current by usage irrespective of the nature of spreading etc. Four kinds of each of these are mentioned in the scriptures (by the sages). For instance earth, earth body, life in earth body,