also gets engrossed and becomes one with his psychic dispositions like attachment. Just as an artisan (a goldsmith, for example), while performing the task, suffers all the time and becomes one with that suffering, similarly, the Self, kindled by pleasure and pain due to his psychic dispositions, suffers all the time and becomes one with that suffering.
Jain, Vijay K., Ācārya Kundkund's Samayasăra, p. 167-168.
Ācārya Kundkund's Samayasāra
अण्णाणी कम्मफलं पयडिसहावविदो दु वेदेदि।
Ullunt qut 0444 1 Huulla fac u aafa II (10-9-316) The ignorant, engrossed in the nature of various species of karmas, enjoys the fruits of karmas (in the form of pleasure and pain), and the knowledgeable is aware of the fruits of karmas but does not enjoy them.
Jain, Vijay K., Ācārya Kundkund's Samayasāra, p. 151.
A wise person suffering from disease knows it to be due to some outward cause of his carelessness and inward cause of his painfeeling Karma. He calmly uses medicine for it and tries to be cured, and feels no worry. Similarly a right knower calmly bears the effects of Karmas and is not affected by them.
Jaini, J.L., Samayasāra of Shri Kunda Kunda Achārya, p. 178-179.
Ācārya Kundkund's Samayasāra
वेदंतो कम्मफलं अप्पाणं जो दु कुणदि कम्मफलं । Hai qui fa delle altei gerah BERE II