तिक्काले चदुपाणा इंदियबलमाउआणपाणो य । ववहारा सो जीवो णिच्छयणयदो दु चेदणा जस्स ॥
गाथा भावार्थ - व्यवहारनय से तीन काल में इन्द्रिय, बल, आयु और प्राणापान (उच्छ्वास-नि:श्वास) इन चारों प्राणों को जो धारण करता है वह जीव है और निश्चयनय से जिसके चेतना है वह जीव है।
3. From the empirical or phenomenal point of view (vyavahāra naya), that which is living at present, will continue to live in the future, and was living in the past, through its four principles of organism [prānas – strength (bala prāna), senses (indriya prāņa), duration of age (āyuḥ prāņa), and respiration (ucchvāsa-niḥśvāsa prāņa)], is the jīva. From the transcendental or noumenal point of view (niscaya naya), that which has consciousness is the jīva.
Ācārya Kundkund's Pañcāstikāya-Sāra
पाणेहिं चदुहिं जीवदि जीवस्सदि जो हु जीविदो पुव्वं ।
सो जीवो पाणा पुण बलमिंदियमाउ उस्सासो ॥ __ (30) Whatever thing manifesting through four Prānas (or principles of organism) is living at present, will continue to live in the future, and was living in the past, that same is Jīva. Again the Pranas are Bala, or strength, Indriya or the senses, Ayuh or the age and Ucchvāsa or respiration. Commentary - A living organism must have these four Prāņas or life principles. You cannot think of a living being