दसणणाणसमग्गं मग्गं मोक्खस्स जो हु चारित्तं । साघयदि णिच्चसुद्धं साहू स मुणी णमो तस्स ॥
गाथा भावार्थ - जो मुनि दर्शन और ज्ञान से परिपूर्ण हैं, मोक्ष का कारणभूत ऐसे चारित्र को सदा शुद्ध रीति से साधते हैं, वे मुनि साधु-परमेष्ठी हैं; उनको मेरा नमस्कार हो।
54. Salutation to the Ascetic (Sādhu) abound in faith and knowledge, who incessantly practises pure conduct that surely leads to liberation.
The Ascetic (Sādhu) has twenty-eight primary attributes (māla guna) comprising: Five supreme vows (mahāvrata); Five regulations (samiti); Five-fold control of the senses (pañcendriya nirodha) –
shedding all attachment and aversion towards the senseobjects pertaining to touch (sparśana), taste (rasana),
smell (ghrāņa), sight (cakṣu), and hearing (śrotra); Six essential duties (sadāvasyaka); and Seven rules or restrictions (niyama)- theserules are:
(a) not taking bath (asnāna); (b) sleeping on the ground (bhūmi śayana); (c) renouncing clothes (nāgnya); (d) plucking hair on the head and face by hand