Dravyasamgraha all karmas is liberation.
Emancipation is attained on the destruction of psychic factors also like quietism and potentiality.
Ācārya Pujyapada’s Sarvārthasiddhi What? 'Emancipation' is taken over from the previous sutra. Potentiality is included in the text, in order to exclude the other inherent characteristics. On the disappearance of potentiality among the inherent qualities and quietism and the rest, liberation is attained.
If liberation is affirmed as the disappearance of thoughtactivity like quietism, it would mean that the liberated soul is bereft of all destructional thought-activity. It would be so, if no speciality be mentioned about liberation. But there is speciality. Hence the exception is stated in the next sutra.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 284-285.
Ācārya Umasvami's Tattvārthasūtra अन्यत्रकेवलसम्यक्त्वज्ञानदर्शनसिद्धत्वेभ्यः ॥
(10-4) Other than infinite faith, infinite knowledge, infinite perception, and infinite perfection.
Ācārya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi What is indicated by other than? It means that this rule (of destruction or absence) applies to all psychical factors other than infinite faith, infinite knowledge, infinite perception, and infinite perfection
If these four characteristics alone remain with the liberated soul, it would lead to the denial of infinite energy etc. But it is
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