Verse 50
णट्ठचदुघाइकम्मो दंसणसुहणाणवीरियमईओ । सुहदेहत्थो अप्पा सुद्धो अरिहो विचिंतिज्जो ॥
गाथा भावार्थ - चार घातिया कर्मों को नष्ट करने वाला, अनन्त दर्शन, सुख, ज्ञान और वीर्य का धारक, परम उत्तम देह में विराजमान, ऐसा जो शुद्ध आत्मा है वह अरिहंत है; उसका ध्यान करना चाहिए।
50. Having destroyed the four inimical varieties of karmas (ghātiyā karmas), possessed of infinite faith, happiness, knowledge and power, and housed in most auspicious body (paramaudārika śarīra), that pure soul of the World Teacher (Arhat) should be meditated on.
Ācārya Pujyapada’s Sarvārthasiddhi Again the saint intends to root out the deluding karmas. He embraces infinitefold pure activity and obstructs the bondage of karmas which assist knowledge-covering karmas. He lessens the duration and destroys these karmas. He is actuated by the exertion of scriptural knowledge. He is free from object, word and activity shifting. His mind does not waver. He is passionless and is stainless like the pure crystal. He meditates and never falls back. Hence it is called the unique, (single) scriptural concentration. Thus the four obscuring karmas are burnt by the self with the fire of the unique, scriptural, pure concentration, and omniscience sparkles like a multitude of rays. The pure self shines like the sun coming out of the clouds. And the self-whether a Tīrthankara or other Omniscient - is