Verse 49
पणतीससोलछप्पणचदुदुगमेगं च जवह ज्झाएह । परमेट्ठिवाचयाणं अण्णं च गुरूवएसेण ॥
गाथा भावार्थ - पञ्च परमेष्ठियों के वाचक जो पैंतीस, सोलह, छः, पाँच, चार, दो और एक अक्षर रूप मन्त्र-पद हैं, उनका जाप करो और ध्यान करो। इनके अलावा अन्य जो मन्त्र-पद हैं, उनको भी गुरु के उपदेशानुसार जपो और उनका ध्यान करो।
49. Meditate on, recite or chant the sacred mantras, consisting of thirty-five, sixteen, six, five, four, two and one letter(s), pronouncing the virtues of the five supreme beings (Panca Paramesthi). Besides, meditate on and chant other mantras as per the teachings of the Preceptor (guru).
As mentioned earlier, padastha dhyāna consists in contemplation with the aid of holy mantras (sacred formulas). A few of these mantras are specified here.
One must meditate on this supreme mantra, of thirty-five letters, that makes obeisance to the five supreme beings (Pañca Parameşthī), and having power to purge all souls of karmic dust:
णमो अरहताणं, णमो सिद्धाणं, णमो आयरियाणं,
णमो उवज्झायाणं, णमो लोए सव्वसाहूणं ॥ All deified souls in this world have attained liberation through the adoration of this mantra only.