consequently imply the removal of the particles of this foreign material from the constitution of the ego.
As for the principle of interaction between spirit and matter, observation shows that the soul is liable to be affected, agreeably or otherwise, by all kinds of actions, mental, physical and those concerned with speech. But before the soul can be affected by them it is necessary that they should produce a modification of its substance, that is, a characteristic change in the stage of its feeling-consciousness. But, since no modification of the feeling-consciousness is possible or conceivable in the absence of a material agent reaching and making a deep impression on it, it is certain that matter must be flowing towards the soul with every thought, word and deed, modifying its condition and affecting its states. For it is obvious that apart from matter there is no other substance to enter into interaction with spirit, whence it follows that matter flows towards the soul with every action of the mind and body, including the articulation of sounds and words, i.e., speech.
The first great law of interaction between spirit and matter, accordingly, may be laid down as follows: all actions of embodied living beings, whether mental, or physical, including speech, are accompanied by an influx of matter towards the soul.
Jain, Champat Rai, The Key of Knowledge, p. 621.