The Science of Reincarnation,
The Toll of Karma
various products in our day to day life which also pollute the Earth. Thus pollution can result by various ways.
The Karma thus pollutes the Atma by various different ways and gives rise to results which are altogether different to one another. Once the Earth is polluted its qualities are different. For example due to acid rain, the soil becomes acidic and this is not suitable for the growth of plants, or to support life of plants, or the fertility of the land will decrease significantly and it will not support life of plants. After making it suitable by neutralizing this effect, the soil may be good enough for re-use. In the same way or with a similar process, once Atma is contaminated by Karmic Particles it is not suitable for a particular type of physical body. In order to make it suitable, Atma has to go through a process which makes it suitable for a particular physical body. This process is the process of life and death until Atma is perfect or the same as before. When the soil is contaminated with various chemical agents, it is not suitable to support nutrition for plant growth. When Atma is contaminated with Karmic Particles, it stops the soul from performing good actions and these polluting karma now makes Atma to function as a slave. In other words, at this stage Atma is not independent. Atma is then not guided by its own inherent characteristics or power but rather