The Science of Reincarnation,
The Toll of Karma
and iewels, etc. On the other hand, his son Tippu Sultan, who was born just as rich lost it all! Why? We can find several such examples from history. Logic may only take us to a path with so many assumptions but far from the actual truth.
Is there any way we can answer these questions honestly? The basic or fundamental problem is that we try to find the explanation by means of the technology we know, or by means of our limited knowledge and experience. We are biased to accept the experience of others due to various reasons. In otherwords, we try to explain all phenomena the way we want to because of the availability of the sources and totally ignore other possibilities. This is because those phenomena do not exist in our knowledge of dictionary. The common reaction is why not prove it or where the proof? Take an example: One plus one is two by common day to day life mathematics. But I say this is only part of the fact because one plus one is also zero. Most of the people would say it is not true because of the lack of the whole fact. Fortunately, will prove it to you as follows:
You will agree that the following equation is true:
(+1)2 = (-1)