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2 Bao fear art ater areret oY oron-arey Prat waa Te SToA-aTTy TT
| Gaal at watiafea ot
5 Sudharmawasthefifth ganadhar of Bhagavan Mahavir. He &
was the guru ofJambu Swami. 5
oC In scriptures, Sudharmais often called the narrator ofthe &
* scriputres. Sy
Sudharma was a Brahmin of Kollag Sannivesh and belonged
to Agni Vaishyayan sub-caste. Dhammil was his father and
“ Bhaddila was his mother. He was an expert in study of Vedas
‘| and Vedic literature. He had five hundreddisciples. ©.
2 InAup-patik Sutra there is a detailed account of Gautam and 2
% Sudharma, their austerities, their personal traits. Special @
~ accountis also in Antakrid-dasha Mahima,p. 431. so
oF Sudharma was initiated near Mahavir at the ageof fifty, he w.
did his ascetic practices for forty two years and then attained &
« perfect knowledge (Keval Jnan). He becamethefirst Acharya of
3 the ascetics after Mahavir attained nirvana. He remained in &
‘state of perfect knowledge and perfect perception for twenty &
“\ years. Thus,histotal life-span was hundredyears.
< Amongst the ganadhars, Sudharma lived for the longest eo
period. Bhagavan Mahavir bestowed on him the responsibilities
S of managing the Sangh (the entire community), The other ey
a ganadhars also handed over their monks to him when they were zs
nearing salvation. vs
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9° arpettoathrenasirya ( 30% ) IllustratedAnuttaraupapatik-dashaSutra iteS(ay
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