54 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 MALE ELECC ULEI
9. Jnana dvar (the parameter of knowledge)-The maximum time 4 gap between those who have become omniscient after acquiring matt " and shrut-jnana becoming Siddha is uncountable fraction of one
Palyopam. In case of those who have become omniscient after Si acquiring mati, shrut and avadhi-jnana it is a little more than a year.
In case of those who have become omniscient after acquiring all the four jnanas it is countable thousand years.
10. Avagahana dvar (the parameter of physical dimension)-The maximum time gap between those with maximum physical dimension becoming Siddha is so large that it has been explained by a conceptual example-if a cube is made of 14 rajjulok its one line of unit space points will be 7 rajjus long. The time taken in emptying this line at the rate of one space point per samaya is said to be
equivalent to the said gap. In case of those having medium physical $ dimension this gap is a little more than one year and for those having
minimum physical dimension it is one samaya. 55 11. Utkrisht dvar (the parameter of upper limit)-The maximum S time gap between the Apratipati samyaktvi beings becoming Siddha
is uncountable fraction of one sagaropam. In case of those who have fallen for uncountable and countable period it is countable thousand years and in case of those who have fallen for infinite period it is a little more than one year.
12. Anusamaya dvar (the parameter of continuity)—Beings become Siddha continuously for 2 to 8 samaya. 45 13. Samkhya duar (the parameter of number)--The maximum 4 time gap between a solitary being becoming Siddha and many 3becoming Siddha together is countable thousand years. 4i 14. Alpabahutva dvar (the parameter of high and low)—As
mentioned earlier.
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(V) TC &R 7. BHAVA DVAR (THE PARAMETER OF MODE) भाव छह होते हैं-औदयिक, औपशमिक, क्षायोपशमिक, क्षायिक, पारिणामिक और ॐ सान्निपातिक। सिद्ध केवल क्षायिक भाव से ही होते हैं। १५ द्वार पूर्ववत् हैं। $ There are six types of modes or attitudes-Audayik, Aupashamik,
Kshayopashamik, Kshayik, Parinamik and Sannipatik. Beings
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