Title-Avarkanka (Dovati)-Amarkanka (Draupadi)—names. Amarkanka is the name of a city and Draupadi that of a woman. Draupadi, the sister of Shri Krishna Vasudev and the wife of the five Pandavs is the central character in this story and so the alternative name of this chapter. Draupadi was abducted and brought to the city of Amarkanka and so the name of this chapter. In this comparatively long story many important subjects have been explained with the help of various examples. Pushed by fear and selfishness, man behaves irrationally and indulges in many deplorable activities that cause his downfall. Enslaved by comforts and conveniences he goes against the advice of his guru. The attractions of carnal pleasures inspire perverted ambitions. Various hurdles on the spiritual path and ways to overcome have been discussed in this gripping tale.
Gist of the story-In Champa city lived three Brahmans with their wives. They assembled for food at one or another brother's house in turn each day. One day they were to eat at the house of the brother whose wife was Nagshri. She had ample food cooked for the occasion and also herself cooked a curry of gourd enriched with plenty of spices. When she tasted this curry she found that the gourd she used was bitter. Nagshri put that curry aside and cooked afresh using a sweet gourd. All the members of the family ate their fill.
During the same period Acharya Dharmaghosh was staying in Champa city with his disciples. One of his disciples, Dharmaruchi, went out to collect alms for breaking his one month fast. Nagshri poured all the bitter curry into his pot considering it to be a waste-basket. Dharmaruchi, on his return, showed his begging to his Guru who immediately knew that the curry was bitter and toxic. He asked Dharmaruchi to throw it away at a proper place and go out to beg again. Dharmaruchi went out and found a suitable spot and poured just a drop of the curry. At once numerous ants swarmed and the moment they consumed that small quantity of toxic curry they died on the spot. Dharmaruchi thought that when just one drop killed so many beings the pot full of curry would kill infinite beings. He himself consumed the pot full of that toxic curry and died on the spot. The news of his death spread like wildfire and every one started cursing Nagshri. The members of her family also insulted her and threw her out of the house. In absence of any refuge she roamed around and died suffering. For numerous births she suffered the agony of hell.
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