Title--Mandukk-Daddure-Dardur--a frog. With the example of a short lived 5 creature like a frog this story sheds light on one of the causes of spiritual decline-the ) 5 attraction for, and attachment to, mundane comforts. The chapter gets its name from the example it uses-the frog.
Gist of the story--Once Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir had come to Rajagriha. At that time a god named Dardur had appeared before him with all his divine grandeur and paid his homage with devotion and reverence. Gautam Swami then asked about how the god had earned all this divine grandeur?
Bhagavan said that a rich merchant named Nand Maniyar lived in Rajagriha. After listening to the discourse of Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir he had become a Shramanopasak. 5 But later, due to lack of interaction with ascetics he slowly turned away from the religious C 5 life and lost his virtues. Once during the summer season he was observing a three day fast i
in the Paushadhashala. He suffered the pain of thirst and determined to construct a beautiful and attractive pond. After concluding his fast he sought permission from King
Shrenik and got a beautiful pond constructed at a suitable place outside the town. On the 5 four sides of this pond he also created four facilities with gardens for public utility. S 5 Many citizens, after enjoying these facilities and the pond, praised Nand who enjoyed and took pride in it.
Once Nand was plagued by fatal diseases. Even after all efforts at treatment he could not gain his health. He died taking his infatuation for the pond with him. He reincarnated as a frog in the very same pond. There he heard the praise of Nand Maniyar from the citizens bathing in the pond and felt as if he had heard these words earlier also. He concentrated to refresh his memory and this effort resulted in his acquiring Jatismaran Jnana. He realized that abandoning the path of religion had brought him to his present repugnant state. He > immediately resolved to follow the religious path according to his refreshed memory and took a vow of a series of two day fasts.
Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir once again arrived in Rajagriha. Nand frog also heard Ć 5 about his arrival from people visiting the pond. In order to behold the Tirthankar, Nand frog 5 also came out of the pond and on to the highway. At that time King Shrenik was also going C 5 with his guards to pay homage to Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir. The frog was hit by che hoof CI
of a horse and its entrails were exposed. Realizing that its end was near the frog dragged 5 itself on one side and started worship of Bhagavan Mahavir. As it breathed its last with
purity of feelings and thoughts it reincarnated as a powerful god in the Saudharm C 5 dimension. From there he will re-incarnate in the Mahavideh area and attain liberation.
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