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में अधिक वर्षा होती है तो वहाँ अप्काय की हिंसा से बचने के लिए छत्र - छाता भी रख सकता है। (वृत्ति. पत्रांक ४०२; चूर्णि., पृ. २१९) आचार्य श्री आत्माराम जी म. के अनुसार छत्र का अर्थछाता या ऊनी कम्बल दोनों ही होते हैं। ( हिन्दी टीका, पृष्ठ १२४४) चर्म छेदनी नाखून काटने के लिए काम आती है। यह पाडिहारिक - वापस लौटाने की शर्त के साथ ग्रहण की जाती है। श्रमण को धातु की वस्तु तथा चर्म छेदनी आदि को रात में अपनी निश्राय में नहीं रखना चाहिए । कीचड़ आदि में चलते समय या वृद्ध अवस्था के कारण दण्ड रखने की भी अनुमति है । (चूर्णि )
'ओगिण्हेज्ज पगिण्हेज्ज' दोनों शब्दों के अर्थ में चूर्णिकार अन्तर करते हैं - एक बार ग्रहण करना अवग्रहण है, बार-बार ग्रहण करना प्रग्रहण है ।
Elaboration-This aphorism informs about three attributes of ascetics—(1) He is without any possessions. (2) He begs alms to eat. (3) He does not take anything without being given. Therefore wherever he goes and with whichever ascetic he lives, whatever thing he requires including food, water, medicine, place of stay, cloth, pots and other equipment, first of all it is essential that he seeks permission from the owner or the guardian of that particular thing. Even if he wants to take a thing from a co-religionist ascetic he should first take permission.
Here chhatra generally means the woollen blanket used to cover head when it rains. However, a sthavir-kalpi ascetic may also use an umbrella under special circumstances. For example-if there are excessive rains in certain area he may keep an umbrella with him in order to avoid harm to water-bodied beings (Vritti leaf 219). According to Acharya Shri Atmaramji M. chhatra means both an umbrella and a woollen blanket (Hindi Tika, p. 1244). Charmachhedani is used to cut nails and it is borrowed with a condition to return. An ascetic cannot keep a charmachhedani or other metal things overnight with him. Keeping a staff is also allowed while walking on slimy ground or in old age. (Churni)
The commentator (Churni) specifies the difference between the meanings of oginhejj and paginhejja. To take once is oginhejj and to take again and again is paginhejja.
अवग्रह प्रतिमा : सप्तम अध्ययन
Jain Education International
( ३७१ )
Avagraha Pratima: Seventh Chapter
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