vocpuKOYAYOGAHOSAROGROOMGNANDA ACTREAKINipeechmarhamasini............. *
(१०) पीठ, (११) छाती (उदर), (१२) हृदय, (१३) स्तन, (१४) कन्धे, (१५) भुजा, (१६) हाथ, (१७) अँगुली, (१८) नख, (१९) ग्रीवा (गर्दन), (२०) ठुड्डी, (२१) होठ, (२२) दाँत, (२३) जीभ, (२४) तालु, (२५) गले, (२६) कपोल, (२७) कान, (२८) नाक, (२९) आँख, (३०) भौंह, (३१) ललाट, और (३२) सिर (इन ३२ अवयवों का शस्त्र से) भेदन-छेदन करे, (तब उसे जैसी पीड़ा होती है और वह उसे वाणी से प्रकट करने में असमर्थ होता है, वैसी ही पीड़ा पृथ्वीकायिक जीवों को होती है।)
जैसे कोई किसी को गहरी चोट मार-मारकर मूर्छित कर देता है, उसे जान से मार देता है (उसे जैसी कष्टानुभूति होती है, वैसी ही पृथ्वीकायिक जीवों की वेदना समझना चाहिए।) PAIN AWARENESS OF EARTH-BODIED BEINGS ___15. I say
As someone pierces (with instruments like a lance or a needle) or cuts (with weapons like a sword) a blind man (and he suffers pain, like wise the earth-bodied beings too suffer pain. The earth-bodied beings too, like a handicapped person blind, deaf, dumb, paralyzed or crippled by birth, are incapable of expressing their feelings.)
As someone pierces or cuts (with weapons the thirty two parts of human body of a complete man) at (1) feet, (2) ankle, (3) shin, (4) knee, (5) thigh, (6) waist, (7) navel, (8) belly, (9) flanks or ribs, (10) back, (11) chest, (12) heart, (13) breasts, (14) shoulder, (15) arm, (16) hand, (17) finger, (18) nail, (19) neck, (20) chin, (21) lips, (22) teeth, (23) tongue, (24) palate, (25) throat, (26) cheeks, (27) ears, (28) nose, (29) eyes, (30) eye-brows, (31) forehead, and (32) head (and he suffers pain, like wise the earth-bodied beings too suffer pain. The earth-bodied beings too, like a complete man who is unable to express the pain in words, are incapable of expressing feelings).
As someone hits a person and makes him unconscious or kills (and he suffers pain, like wise the earth-bodied beings too suffer pain).
आचारांग सूत्र
( २६ )
Illustrated Acharanga Sutra
Jain Education International
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