भगवान ध्यान के लिए जहाँ ठहरते थे उनमें-(१) दुर्गन्धित स्थान, (२) ऊबड़-खाबड़ विषम या भयंकर स्थान, (३) सर्दी का प्रकोप, (४) चारों ओर खुले स्थान आदि मुख्य हैं। साधनाकाल में भगवान साढ़े बारह वर्ष तक ऐसे स्थानों में यतनाशील अप्रमत्त और समाहित होकर ध्यानमग्न रहते थे।
Il fcire JENTOS 44159 Elaboration—The preceding verses give vivid details of Bhagavan's practices of discipline. These can be divided into eight categories
(1) Discipline of body, (2) Discipline of mind in face of pleasant and unpleasant afflictions, (3) Discipline of food, (4) Discipline of place of stay, (5) Discipline of senses, (6) Discipline of sleep, (7) Discipline of action, and (8) Discipline of equipment.
With regard to his necessities (food, sleep, place of stay, etc.) Bhagavan had absolutely no preferences. The word apadinne points at this fact only. He accepted whatever was available and best suited for his spiritual practices.
The way he perfected the discipline of sleep was unique. He exercised control over sleep through meditation. To win over sleep he would sometimes remain standing and at others go out to walk. Thus he employed every possible method to win over sleep.
Various afflictions at places of stay-During the period of spiritual practices, Bhagavan had to mainly suffer following afflictions,
(1) Samsappagaya je pana–bites of snakes and other crawling creatures.
(2) Pakkhino-pecking by vultures and other birds.
(3) Discomfort caused by ants, wasps, mosquitoes, flies and other insects,
(4) Kuchara---torments by bad elements of society like thieves and lecherous persons at desolate places.
आचारांग सूत्र
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Illustrated Acharanga Sutra
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