भगवान के पास आकर बोलते-“इसी भिक्षु ने हमारी रमणियों को मोहजाल में फँसाया है। हमें इसका प्रतिकार करना होगा।" वे भगवान को गालियाँ देते, ताड़ना-तर्जना देते। तब भी भगवान ध्यान में स्थिर रहते।
Elaboration-These verses inform about the afflictions suffered by Bhagavan during his period of spiritual practices. When he stood in meditation in some abandoned house, sometimes bad people, like thieves or debauches, came there and, considering him to be a disturbing presence, tortured him. Sometimes guards or soldiers arrived there in search of thieves and manhandled him taking him to be a charlatan. Sometimes lecherous women tried to disturb him by making advances at him and then men reacted violently. Here gramya upasarg has been interpreted by the commentator (Churni) as afflictions related to carnal pleasures. When women set their eyes on the handsome and attractive personality of Bhagavan, they were filled with sexual desires. During the night they would come to the solitary place where he meditated and make advances at him. On failing to disturb his meditation they would get irritated and start abusing him. When their husbands came to know of this they would angrily approach Bhagavan and say—“This ascetic has seduced our women. We should punish him.” They abused him harshly and assaulted him physically also. Bhagavan still remained firm in his
meditation. स्थान-परीषह-विजय ___२८६. इहलोइयाई परलोइयाइं भीमाइं अणेगरूवाइं।
अवि सुब्भि-दुब्भिगंधाई सद्दाइं अणेगरूवाइं॥३२॥ २८६. भगवान ने (मनुष्य-तिर्यञ्च सम्बन्धी) इहलौकिक और (देव-सम्बन्धी) पारलौकिक अनेक प्रकार के भयंकर उपसर्ग सहन किये। वे विविध प्रकार के सुगन्ध और दुर्गन्ध में तथा प्रिय और अप्रिय शब्दों में हर्ष-शोकरहित रहे। VICTORY OVER PLACE RELATED AFFLICTIONS
286. Bhagavan tolerated numerous mundane (caused by animals and human beings) and divine (caused by gods) उपधान-श्रुत : नवम अध्ययन
( ४८१ ) Upadhan-Shrut : Ninth Chapter
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