आहार - संयम करके वे कठोर से कठोर दीर्घ तप की साधना करते थे और आत्म-साधना काल में आत्मा की समरसता की अनुभूति करते रहते । इन्द्रिय-संयम द्वारा वे कठोर काय - क्लेश तप एवं ब्रह्मचर्य - साधना में लीन रहकर आत्मरमण करते। ध्यान के द्वारा वे निद्रा पर संयम करते हुए अप्रमत्त विचरण करते थे ।
आचारांग चूर्णि तथा वृत्ति के अनुसार भगवान ने साढ़े बारह वर्ष के साधनाकाल में केवल अन्तर्मुहूर्त ( ४८ मिनट ) नींद ली। वह भी थोड़ी-थोड़ी कई बार में। वे लेटते नहीं थे। खड़े-खड़े बैठे-बैठे पलभर के लिए झपकी ले लेते और फिर ध्यानमग्न हो जाते । अस्थिक ग्राम में यक्ष के उपसर्गों के पश्चात् कुछ क्षणों के लिए उन्होंने नींद ली जिसमें दस स्वप्न देखे। रात को जब नींद अधिक सताती तो वे बाहर टहलकर नींद उड़ाते और ध्यानलीन हो जाते।
Elaboration These two verses describe Bhagavan's victory over sleep. There were three important points of discipline in Bhagavan Mahavir's spiritual practices.
(1) Food discipline, ( 2 ) discipline of senses, and (3) discipline of sleep.
He observed prolonged and vigorous austerities by controlling his food intake (fasting) and during this period of austerities he experienced complete equipoise of soul. By exercising complete control over his senses, he completely devoted himself to practices like mortification of the body and celibacy and dwelt in his soul. With the help of meditation he exercised control over sleep and moved about with alertness.
According to Acharanga Churni and Vritti, during the twelve and a half year period of spiritual practices, Bhagavan slept only for antarmuhurt ( less then 48 minutes). That too in parts. He did not recline; he would close his eyes for few moments, either sitting or standing, and once again resume his meditation. After the afflictions caused by a yaksha (a type of lower gods) in Asthik village, he slept for a few moments when he saw ten dreams. During the night if he felt very sleepy he would walk around for sometime to regain alertness and then resume his meditation.
उपधान - श्रुत: नवम अध्ययन
( ४७९ )
Jain Education International
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Upadhan-Shrut : Ninth Chapter