इसकी अन्य विधि तो इंगिनीमरण के समान ही है, लेकिन इंगिनीमरण में पूर्व नियत क्षेत्र में हाथ-पैर आदि अवयवों का संचालन किया जाता है, जबकि पादपोपगमन में एक ही नियत स्थान पर भिक्षु निश्चेष्ट पड़ा रहता है। यदि बैठा हो तो बैठा रहे, सोया हो तो सोया रहे।
इस अनशन में पादपोपगमन में मुख्यतः तीन बातों का प्रत्याख्यान अनिवार्य होता है(१) शरीर योगों का निरोध। (२) शरीर योगों का आकुञ्चन, प्रसारण, उन्मेष, निमेष आदि का वर्जन। (३) ईर्या-गमनागमन नहीं करना।
॥ सातवाँ उद्देशक समाप्त ॥ Elaboration—The procedure of inginimaran has been mentioned in aphorism 225. Now this aphorism describes the procedure and discipline of Padapopagaman fast.
As a padap (tree) remains inactive in favourable and unfavourable condition, likewise an ascetic remains inactive or static as long as he lives in whatever state he acquires (when he takes vow of this fast). An aspirant doing Padapopagaman fast neither accepts nor offers any service from or to others.
Its procedure is same as that of inginimaran but with just one difference that in inginimaran the movements of the body and its parts is allowed in a predetermined area but in Padapopagaman the ascetic lies inactive at one place. If he sits he should remain sitting, and if he is lying he should remain lying.
In Padapopagaman fast the vow of abandoning three things is essential -
(1) Stop all movements of the body.
(2) Check shrinking, expanding, lifting, lowering of parts of the body.
(3) Stop moving from one place to another.
विमोक्ष : अष्टम अध्ययन
( ४३५ )
Vimoksha : Eight Chapter
Jain Education International
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