austerities like fasting for two days, three days, four days, five days, one day, ayambil (eating once in a day food cooked with a single ingredient and without any salt or other condiments), etc. At the same time he should pacify and reduce passions like anger, conceit, daceit, and greed in order to achieve mental samlekhana. Besides this he should also focus his attention on soul by stabilizing the attitudes and activities related to body, speech and mind. In this process the aspirant should become slim from both ends-body and passions—like a plank of wood made smooth on both sides.
Utthaya bhikkhu....—after rising for meditational death... . The commentator (Churni) has described utthan (rising) to be of three types
(1) To get ready for initiation—to rise for discipline.
(2) To wander freely from one village to another--to rise to accept itinerant way.
(3) To perform samlekhana and prepare for meditational deathto rise to accept meditational death.
Ittariyam kujja-in this phrase the term itvarik carries the meaning of inginimaran or ingit-maran. It is mentioned in Churni and Vritti–Here the word itvarik has not been used to convey the conventional meaning of limited periodicity in fasting for some specific purpose. Here it has been used to indicate limiting movement to a specific area. Because of this limitation it is called itvarik (limited) or ingit-maran. It is defined in Acharanga Tika by Shilanka leaf 286 as
'He takes a vow of abandoning four types of food before the guru and according to the prescribed rules. He indulges in disciplined activities within a limited area. He himself (without any help) does essential activities including turning in the bed, getting up and going to relieve himself. An ascetic having patience and strength should do everything himself, he should not take any help from
others. a विमोक्ष : अष्टम अध्ययन
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Vimoksha : Eight Chapter
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