इस प्रकार वह भिक्षु भगवान द्वारा कथित धर्म को जानता हुआ, यथाविधि पालन करता हुआ, शान्त, विरत और अपने अन्तःकरण की प्रशस्त वृत्तियों (लेश्याओं) में अपनी आत्मा को सुसमाहित करने वाला होता है।
(इस प्रकार वह ग्लान भिक्षु अपनी प्रतिज्ञा का पालन करते हुए भक्त-प्रत्याख्यान आदि के द्वारा शरीर विसर्जन करता है तो) उसकी वह मृत्यु काल-मृत्यु है। उस समाधि-मरण से वह भिक्षु अन्तक्रिया करने वाला भी हो सकता है।
इस प्रकार यह मरण शरीर मोह से मुक्त होने की साधना का आयतन है, और परलोक में भी साथ चलने वाला है।
-ऐसा मैं कहता हूँ।
220. An ascetic may have resolved—“I suffer from ailments (or other such problems) and my fellow ascetics are healthy. They have offered me their services. Although I did not seek such services, I will accept the services offered by co-religionists with the intention of effecting shedding of their karmas." ___ (or) “My co-religionist is sick and I am healthy; he has not requested me for any service, (but) I have promised to serve him. Therefore, with the purpose of shedding karmas and mutual help I will serve that co-religionist.” An ascetic who has accepted such code of conduct should follow it even if he looses his life (but should not break his vow).
(1) An ascetic may have resolved—“I will bring food (etc.) for a sick co-religionist ascetic and also accept food (etc.) brought by them.”
(2) (or) An ascetic may have resolved—“I will bring food (etc.) for a sick co-religionist ascetic but will not accept food (etc.) brought by them.”
(3) (or) An ascetic may have resolved—“I will not bring food (etc.) for co-religionist ascetics but will accept food (etc.) brought by them.” विमोक्ष: अष्टम अध्ययन
( ४१३ )
Vimoksha: Eight Chapter
Jain Education International
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