• मेरे लिए ग्रहणीय नहीं है, इसी प्रकार दूसरे दोषों से दूषित आहारादि भी मेरे लिए ग्रहणीय नहीं है।"
जो भिक्षु स्वयं भिक्षा के लिए जा नहीं सकता, गृहस्थादि द्वारा लाया हुआ आहार ले नहीं सकता, ऐसा ग्लान या अभिग्रहधारी मुनि शरीर को आहार-पानी कैसे पहुँचायेगा? इस शंका का समाधान अगले सूत्र में किया गया है। ABANDONING FOOD DURING SICKNESS
219. An ascetic may feel that 'he has become weak (due to ailments) and is unable to move from one house to another to seek alms.' Hearing or knowing about this some householder could bring from his home and offer staple food, liquids, general food, savoury food. In such situation the ascetic should first deliberate (and then convey to the householder-) “O long lived householder ! I cannot accept all this staple food, liquids, general food, savoury food. In the same way I am not allowed to accept other things including food that involves other faults.”
[An ascetic who is unable to go out to seek alms and is not allowed to accept food brought by a householder, how such sick an ascetic or one who is observing practice of some special resolutions would provide food and water to his body for mere sustenance ? This question is answered in the following aphorism.] __ २२०. जस्स णं भिक्खुस्स अयं पगप्पे-अहं च खलु पडिण्णत्तो अपडिण्णत्तेहिं गिलाणो अगिलाणेहिं अभिकंख साहम्मिएहिं कीरमाणं वेयावडियं साइज्जिस्सामि।
अहं वा वि खलु अपडिण्णत्तो पडिण्णत्तस्स अगिलाणो गिलाणस्स अभिकंख साहम्मियस्स कुज्जा वेयावडियं करणाए।
(१) आहट्ठ पइण्णं आणक्खेस्सामि आहडं च साइज्जिस्सामि। (२) आहटु पइण्णं आणक्खेस्सामि आहडं च नो साइज्जिस्सामि। (३) आहट्ट पइण्णं नो आणक्खेस्सामि आहडं च साइज्जिस्सामि।
विमोक्ष : अष्टम अध्ययन
( ४११ )
Vimoksha : Eight Chapter
Jain Education International
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