Elaboration—The word ‘dand' has different meaning in different context. For example—(1) a stick of wood or other material; (2) punishment; (3) physical or monetary penalty imposed on a criminal depending on the severity of his crime; (4) oppression; (5) evil activities or indulgences of mind, speech, and body; (6) killing or harming or subjugating beings in any way; etc. In this Sutra this word has been frequently used to convey evil activities or indulgences of mind-speech-body and killing or harming or subjugating beings in any way.
Types of dand-There are three types of dand-(1) violence of mind, (2) violence of speech, and (3) violence of body.
Violence of mind is of three types—(1) by a mind having attachment, (2) by a mind having aversion, and (3) by a mind having fondness.
Violence of speech is of seven types—(1) to tell a lie, (2) to belittle someone's knowledge by derogatory remarks, (3) to backbite or to misinform, (4) to use harsh words, (5) to indulge in self praise and criticism of others, (6) to pass biting remarks, and (7) to use violence inspiring language.
Violence of body or physical violence is also of seven types—(1) to kill beings, (2) to steal, (3) to copulate, (4) to have attachment in possessions, (5) to indulge in sinful activity, (6) to beat, and (7) to reprimand violently or to threaten.
Dand-samarambh means violence against beings. An ascetic has to avoid indulgence in violent activities done in three ways—(1) by doing, (2) by causing others to do, and (3) by approving others doing--and by three means—(1) body, (2) speech, and (3) mind. Therefore he should know well about all possible types of violence against all types of beings and then avoid all those activities through three means and three ways.
The statement about embarrassment due to violence committed by other ascetics points at an ancient tradition. The Vedic sages विमोक्ष : अष्टम अध्ययन
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Vimoksha : Eight Chapter
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