भावों की सूचना भी दी गई। जैसे- सूत्रकृतांग (१/३/१/१७) में एते भो कसिणा फासा - से स्पर्श का अर्थ परीषह किया है। आचारांग में अनेक अर्थों में इसका प्रयोग हुआ। जैसे
इन्द्रिय-सुख (सूत्र १६४)
गाढ़ प्रहार आदि से उत्पन्न पीड़ा (सूत्र १७९, गाथा १५ )
उपताप व दुःख विशेष (सूत्र २०६ )
गीता (२/१४; ५/२१ ) में इन्द्रिय-सुख के अर्थ में स्पर्श शब्द का अनेक बार प्रयोग हुआ है।
परिज्ञा के दो प्रकार बताये हैं - ( १ ) ज्ञ-परिज्ञा - वस्तु का बोध करना । सावद्य प्रवृत्ति से कर्मबन्ध होता है यह जानना । इसे विवेक भी कहते हैं।
(२) प्रत्याख्यान परिज्ञा - बन्ध के हेतु सावद्य योगों का त्याग करना - " तत्र ज्ञपरिज्ञया, सावद्यव्यापारेण बन्धो भवतीत्येवं भगवता परिज्ञा प्रवेदिता । प्रत्याख्यानपरिज्ञया च सावद्ययोगा तन्धहेतवः प्रत्याख्येया इत्येवं रूपा चेति । " (शीलांकाचार्य कृत टीका)
Elaboration-Yoni means place of birth. In the chapter on yonis in Prajnapana Sutra details about nine types of yonis are mentioned. Detailed discussion on these can be seen in the commentary by Acharya Shri Atmaram ji, page 59-60.
In the alternate text in the Churni (commentary) the word bhoyanae has also been mentioned. This indicates-in order to search for food or to arrange feast on occasions of birth and death.
At some places paribrinhan is found instead of parivandan. This means that a being indulges in violence for strengthening his body and extending his life.
In Agams phaas or sparsh (touch) has been used in various meanings. Ordinarily sparsh means the sensation or experience of pleasure and pain acquired through skin or the sense of touch. But in different contexts it has also been used to convey other meanings. For example, in Sutrakritanga ( 1/3/1/17 ) it has been used to convey the meaning of affliction (ete bho kasina phaasa). In Acharanga too it has been used to convey various meanings; such as
sensual pleasures (aphorism 164)
pain due to intense blow (aphorism 179, verse 15)
specific pain or sorrow (aphorism 206)
आचारांग सूत्र
( १६ )
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Illustrated Acharanga Sutra