The Sumerian civilization in central Asia has been found to be the oldest in the world. Archeologists and historians believe that the founders of Sumer civilization and culture migrated from east [20]
The Tndian spiritual culture and the civilization went to Sumer and Egypt by the first quarter of the fourth millennium BC. The nudity, when the cloth was available represents the remarkable histirical reality of the spiritual culture and civilization. The nuidity does not ariuse base passions but bestows upon the realizer supreme serenity, self control and dynamic peace.
Siva, Rishabha and nudity concept in Jainism:
Siva did not exist in the pre-aryan and the Aryan-vedic ages. Only Rudra is known to the Vedas. Siva is a later historical growth. Siva's stataues no-where have been shown wearing a head dress with two horns. The presence of the horn distinguishes Siva from Rishabha, who wears horns even according to Rigveda. The second distinguishing fearure of Siva and Rishabha is nakedness, Siva is nowhere depicted as naked.
The concept Sumer, could as well as the concept Pameru, signify the same connotation which through ages got corrupted as Pamir the east of Pamir mountgains lies Purva Videha identified with China. The law and rule of spirituality in the pre-historian- culture-world was essentially of one and the same contents, stronger in certain regions and weaker in others. Rishabha took the spiritual, culture, civilization -way to China, West Asia, Egypt and the mediterranian by C.9000 BC [22]
One German historian has proved that these people came from Saurashtra region (modern Gujrat in India), and they were of SU clan. SU people were the followers of Jain religion and belonged to Su-Kachha of
Saurashtra, where the brother-in law of Lord Rishabh lived. Their sons Nemi and Vinami established the Vidhyadhar dynasty and they spread principles of non-violence as preached by Lord Rishabh. However, other Historians believe that the ancestors of Su-people came from Mohan-Jodaro and they were basically Dravidians. Anyway, whatever the case may be Dravidians were also the followers of Jainism. It is well known that out of Five Pandavas, who meditated on the Shatrunjaya hill three elder brothers attained nirvana from there.