In Jainism the principle of karma or karmic theory is very important. It is very elaborate and comprehensively explains all events and phenomena on the basis of karma i.e. actions and interactions. There is great emphasis on the principle of cause and effect that good actions bring good results or rewards and bad actions give bad results and even sorrows and sufferings as punishment. This is in nutshell the doctrine of karma. Jainism is quite explicit in cautioning that each person is responsible for his own deeds and enjoys or suffers according to nature and quality of his own acts good or bad. No one else can do anything. Past deeds create present and present deeds future destinies. But the intensity of fruition of past deeds can be reduced or enhanced proportionate to quality of good and bad deeds in present. Only the person himself can do it and none else. Tirthankar, arhat, acharya, any deity, gods and goddesses, rituals, havans, mantra and tantra are incompetent and incapable of providing any relief. Mahavir said that he can not ameliorate any body's fate or destiny as a result of the person's past deeds but the person himself can do by following the path advised by Tirthankars. les for soft Gia Hurg 111/111
- Karmagranth "Karma is activity by soul (living beings)."
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- Tatvarth Sutra Any act, deed done by any living being under the influence of psychic emotions of anger, vanity, hypocrisy, greed and also irrationality (Mithyatva), non-awareness (Pramad) and by any of the three modes of mind, speech and body is called 'KARMA. "ufufa: 186/511/
- Samaysar Atmakhyati Gatha "Every person is constantly engaged in changing modes of thought, speech and body and this activity is 'Karma'." au fur wife ||3/134 |
- Bhagavati Vritti "Activity inducing influx of karmic matter is also karma." For y 4- i 11811"
- Vrithipatra "Emotional and desirous activities are synonyms." - HTC: 112/11
- Tatvarth Bhasha Tika "Tendency and desire result in activity (Karma)."
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- Uttaradhyayan Sutra "One has to enjoy or suffer as a result of one's karma i.e. deeds, good and bad and there is no escape from this".
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- Sutrakritanga "Karma or deeds are of two type. The first types are those done under the influence of psychic emotions of attachment (Raga) and aversion (Dwesha) and such deeds are sinful and cause of suffering.