further clever guesses Cox's Aryan Mythology, Müller's Lectures, Second Series, and Biographies of Words.]
[Footnote 23: Compare Deussen, Geschichte der Philosophie, i. 105. On Vedic and Sanskrit Riddles, loc. cit.; also Haug, Vedische Räthselfragen (also Brahma und die Brahmanen); Führer, ZDMG. xxxix. 99.]
[Footnote 24: There is an essay on this subject by Kern, Ind. Theorieen over de Standenverdeeling, which we have not seen.]
[Footnote 25: Sitz. Berl. Ak. 1858, 1859, and 1894, respectively. The Wurfel-Orakel (and Schiefner) is published also in Ind. Streifen, i. 274. The essay on Omina and Portenta contains translations of parts of the Sha[d.]vi[.m]ça Br[=a]hma[n.]a, of the S[=a]ma Veda, and of the K[=a]uçika (AV.) S[=u]tra.]
[Footnote 26: (Whitney) Burgess, S[=u]ryasiddh[=a]nta, JAOS. vi; JRAS. 1863, p. 345; Whitney, ib. i. 316; Lunar Zodiac, Or. Ling. St., ii. 341; Kern, translation of BS., JRAS. iv-vii; IS. x, xiv, xv; Weber, Ueber altir[=a]nische Sternnamen, Sitz. Berl. Ak., 1888; see also Whitney, JAOS. viii. 1, 382; Burgess, ib. 309; Weber, IS. ix. 424, x. 213; Whitney vs. Ludwig, PAOS., 1885. On the twelve intercalated days, 'Twelfth Night,' see Weber, IS. v. 437 (Çabal[=i]-homa), xvii. 224.]
[Footnote 27: The statement is here made that the Vedic religion knows nothing of idols; but see the other cited works which seem to disprove this.]
[Footnote 28: The 'Fifteen Puzzle' is Indic (IA. x. 89, xi. 83).]