JRAS. xxi. 49 (temples from tombs); Müller, Dagobas from Ceylon, ZDMG. xii. 514[48] (also dates). Women leaders of Buddhist Reformation, Miss Bode, JRAS. xxv. 517.
#Brahmanism and Buddhism#: Burnouf, Bh. P. Introd. p. 137 (Indra highest god); Williams, JRAS. xviii. 127; Holtzmann, Zur Geschichte, p. 103; (and Jainism) Leumann, Die Legende von Citta und Sambh[=u]ta, WZKM (above); Bastian, Brahmanic Inscriptions in Buddhist Temples (of Siam), JAOS. viii. 377.
#Buddhist heresies#, D[=i]pava[.m]sa (above); doctrines, Wassiljew (above); Le Buddhisme et les Grecs, Lévi, Revue, xxiii. 36.
EPIC: Ktesias, IA. X. 296 ff.; McCrindle, Ancient India as described by Ktesias and by Megasthenes and Arrian;[49] date of Bh[=a]rata, Bühler, Kirste, Ind. Studies, No. ii; in Cambodia, Barth, Inscriptions Sanskrites du Cambodge; of R[=a]m[=a]ya[n.]a, Weber, R[=a]m[=a]ya[n.]a, IA., reprint; Jacobi, R[=a]m[=a]ya[n.a,[50] Festgruss an Böhtlingk, p. 44, GGA., Nos. 16 of 1892, 1893; epic language, Franke, Was ist Sanskrit? BB. xvii. 54; epos and Veda, Oldenberg, ZDMG. xxxvii. 54, xxxviii. 439, xxxix. 52; Weber, Episches im Vedischen Ritual, [51] Sitz, Berl. Ak. 1891; Ludwig, Ironie, Festgruss an Böhtlingk. Résumé, Wheeler, History (unreliable); Williams, Indian Wisdom. Translations, Wilson, Sabh[=a), JRAS. 1842, p. 137; Thomson (1855), Davies, Lorinser, and Telang (SBE. viii), Bhagavad G[=ista, etc; Milman, Nala; Muir, IA. vii, viii, Metrical Translations, and OST.; Arnold, S[ra]vitr[=i], Idylls, etc. (free); Holtzmann (Sr.), Indische Sagen; Foucaux, "Kairata Parva'; Sadous, fragments (1858); H. Fauche (several books of Bh[=a]rata); Pratapa Chandra Roy (almost all); Griffith, R[=a]m[=a]ya[n.]a, Schoebel. (Mus. Guimet, xiii), Gorresio, Fauche, id. Studies, Holtzmann, Indra, Apsaras, Brahm[=a],[52] ZDMG. xxxii. 290, xxxiii. 631, xxxviii. 167, Agni, Arjuna (each separately), Zur Geschichte, Neunzehn Bücher (literature); Hopkins, Manu in Epic, JAOS. xi. 239, Ruling Caste,ib. xiii, etc.; Sauer, Mah[=a]bh[=a]rata and Wate (primitive epic, unconvincing); Nève, Morals and Women (antiquated); Weber, Mother-Worship, Zwei Ved. Texte, and West, IA. X. 245; Roussel, Les idées religieuses, Muséon, xii. 263, 295. For Philosophy, see