1 have made a well-built raft—so said the Blessed One I have crossed over, I have reached the further bank, I have overcome the torrent (of passions); I need the raft no more—then rain if thou wilt, О sky!
My wife is obedient, she is not wanton—so said the herdsman Dhaniya—she has lived with me long and is winning; no wickedless have I heard of her—then rain if thou wilt, O sky!
My mind is obedient, delivered (from evil) —so said the Blessed One—it has been cultivated long and is well-subdued; there is no longer anything wicked in me—then rain if thou wilt, О sky!
I support myself by my own earnings—so said the herdsman Dhaniya-and my children are around me and healthy; I hear no wickedness of them—then rain if thou wilt, o sky!
I am the servant of none—so said the Blessed One—with what I have gained I wander about in all the world; I have no need to serve—then rain if thou wilt, o sky!
I have cows, I have calves—so said the herdsman Dhaniya-cows in calf and heifers also; and I have a bull as lord over the cows—then rain if thou wilt, o sky!
I have no cows, I have no calves—so said the Blessed One-no cows in calf, and no heifers; and I have no bull as a lord over the cows—then rain if thou wilt, О sky!
The stakes are driven in and cannot be shaken—so said the herdsman Dhaniya—the ropes are made of holy-grass, new and well-made; the cows will not be able to break them—then rain if thou wilt, o sky!