Restricting the consumption and avoiding the avocations involving too much violence. Avoiding the purposeless activities Practicing Samayik for gaining equanimity Confining the activities within a more restricted area for a certain period Observing Paushadh or practicing the life of a monk Serving the monks and worthy entities and helping the persons in need
By gaining right perception, one starts realizing that the favorable as well as the unfavorable situations are obtained as the consequence of his past Karma. He therefore tries to avoid reacting to any given situation with craving or aversion. Thereby he gains an increasing degree of equanimity and remains unperturbed in adverse circumstances. Thus he starts overcoming the defiling instincts.
He also makes out that the life span being limited, he cannot afford to waste any time and should diligently pursue the objective of Self-realization. He tries to remain alert to an increasing extent and overcomes all types of indolence. Thus restraint, equanimity and alertness are more or less the corollaries of the right perception. They invariably follow it, if the person does not lose that perception. The right perception can therefore be called the panacea for gaining Nirjarä.