Freedom from Opinions.....
Freedom from Opinions...
Various incidents occur in every person's life. If he is alert and can control his mind, he can save himself from binding sinful karmas.
and the big fish that eats thousands of small fishes everyday goes to the first hell, then, how can opinions be formed based on what we see?
Opinions are formed by the animate (soul) and because of the animate (soul). The inanimate (mind) cannot form opinions. The opinions formed and expressed by the animate (soul) decide its future.
We cannot read anyone's mind nor can we know their thoughts, hence, we should not express our opinions about them. When we have never tried to read our inner self, then, how can we read the minds of other people?
A saint is standing in deep meditation outside Parmatma Mahavir's samovasaran. A king passes by, sees the saint, bows to him, goes to the samovasaran and asks Parmatma Mahavir, "O Lord! A saint is standing outside in deep meditation. He looks very peaceful and must be a great saint. If he dies at this moment, where will he be born? Parmatma replies, "If Prasannachandra Muni, who is standing outside in deep meditation, dies at this moment, he will take birth in the seventh hell."
King Shrenik bowed to the saint standing outside the samovasaran and had a feeling of gratitude on seeing the saint's sadhana. Shortly thereafter, Parmatma Mahavir told him that if the saint dies at this moment, he would take birth in the seventh hell. On hearing this, King Shrenik was taken aback. "What am I hearing?"
The saint was a king before he renounced the world. He appointed his son as his successor, handed over the kingdom to him, told everyone in the kingdom to take care of his son and then, renounced the world to walk on the path of self-control.
The king wonders - the one who is engrossed in deep meditation, who is neither affected by any person or object around him, nor by any situation around him...who is not talking with anyone... such a person will go to the seventh hell...??
He was meditating when he heard people say, "This is the king who handed over the kingdom to his young son and renounced the world. He does not know that leaders of his army are going to deceive his son and take the reins of the kingdom in their control."
All our opinions are incomplete...
You do not know anyone completely; you do not know him 100 percent, hence, think a hundred times before talking about anyone.
The saint, on hearing this, begins to think... until today, he had felt that the leaders were good and noble; hence, he entrusted his kingdom to them. But now, his opinion for them changed.
People have the habit of talking anything about anyone without knowing the actual facts. "This person is so foolish... she is wealthy but..." How well do you know them? Can you read their minds? Have you ever read your inner self?
Ears create the maximum clashes for us. A few right or wrong words fall on our ears and our opinions change.
If a saint who is meditating with closed eyes can go to the seventh hell,
Parmatma says, you must forget the past, remove it from your inner-self