to cry or be disturbed by this? Ordinary people can think this way. But this is unimaginable for Chandana. She cannot even envisage this because she is a true devotee. She has loved and worshipped Lord Mahavir wholeheartedly.
She is indeed very disturbed that he came to her door step, yet she could not offer HIM anything. She cries, “I could not serve HIM in any way. I could not do anything for HIM.” Thinking about all these things, she starts weeping uncontrollably.
There is a vast difference between tears of love and tears of selfishness.
No one bothers about the tears of selfishness, but tears of love have the power to melt God's heart too.
If you want to make God or Guru your own, there is just one way. Love and worship from the bottom of your heart. Offer divine love. without any expectation or desire. Just keep on worshiping.
It is only divine love that has the power and strength with which one can make God or Guru one's own.
A devotee is one who gets wet... is soaked spiritually with tears of love, both from within as well as outside. Only one who gets wet in this way can make God his own. A person whose heart is drenched... gets wet from within and whose eyes get wet with tears, is one who can succeed in connecting with God... in bringing him back...!!
To connect with God does not require items or objects. What is required is divine love. If we want God with us... within us... we have to be filled with pure love.
Chandana is weeping. Tears are flowing from her eyes. With tears in her eyes, she calls out to Lord, “you too will leave me alone here? The people of this world have neglected me, you too will neglect me? My Lord, will you really leave me and go?"
It is very painful to be separated from someone whom you have made your own and loved so dearly. The person who has loved deeply