logical conclusion. No other is so extensively and minutely religions community in India has discussed as in Jainism. gone so far to avoid killing any Jains and Hindus have lived kind of organic life for the together harmoniously for purpose of
thousands of nourishment. Jains and Hindus have
years in India. At the session
They celebrate lived together of the U.S.
common Congress harmoniously for
festivals like commemorating thousands of years in Dipavali, Holi, the 2600 birth India. They celebrate
Raksha Bandhan anniversary of common festivals like
and Nava Varsha Lord Mahavira in
with great April 2001, Dipavali, Holi, Raksha
enthusiasm. Congressman Bandhan and Nava Varsha
Cows, so dear to Frank Pallone with great enthusiasm. Krishna, are very observed that, Cows, so dear to Krishna,
close to the "Jainism is a are very close to the
hearts of Jains. beautiful religion
M o S t hearts of Jains. originating in
panjarapols India, over two
(animal shelters) millennia ago, built on the in India are either run by Jains principle of non-violence, working or financed by them. on the self and realisation of the A secular mindset, coupled multiplicity of truth through with mutual recognition, mutual varying perspectives of life". respect and the willingness to give
Albert Schweitzer has each other space is the need of the observed that, “Any religion hour. This will ensure peace in which is not based on respect for the world and the progress of life is not true religion." In no humanity on a path where other religion the theory of karma kindness and gentleness are the in it effects of birth and rebirth) rule rather than the exception.